v4.0 Release Notes


Thank you to all of the community members who contributed code, suggestions, bug reports, and other assistance across the project!

We want to thank:

Leonard Wisniewski, Aday Bujeda, and Michael Reekie at Harvard University: Institute for Quantitative Social Science for their contributions around widgets for saved settings and XDMoD, required and dismissible announcements, a configurable number of applications in the apps table, modular support for custom Javascript files, and additional support for OnDemand extensions and customizations.

Robin Karlsson at CSC - IT Center for Science for his contributions around application cards, improving large file upload and allowlist handling, bug fixes for partial file paths and the file browser, and file success if chown fails and Simon Westersund at CSC - IT Center for Science for his contributions around cleaning PUNs and associated files of disabled users.

We’d also like to give a big thank you to those listed below for their first time contributing to Open OnDemand in this release:

  • NucciTheBoss made their first contribution in #3371

  • codecat555 made their first contribution in #3424

  • avivkeller made their first contribution in #3544

  • ashton22305 made their first contribution in #3549

  • TheGamer1002 made their first contribution in #3619

  • ryanbcox made their first contribution in #3677

  • giuliolibrando made their first contribution in #3776

  • guruevi made their first contribution in #3795

  • euler-room made their first contribution in #3866

  • ahmed-mgd made their first contribution in #3973

Breaking Changes

Autoloading During Initialization Has Been Removed.

This comes from the Ruby on Rails framework that Open OnDemand utilizes. It affects initializers you may have written, for example to Add Shortcuts to Files Menu.

To resolve this, wrap your code in a Rails.application.config.after_initialize block.

For example, if you have:

# /etc/ood/config/apps/dashboard/initializers/ood.rb

  OodFilesApp.candidate_favorite_paths.tap do |paths|
    # add User project space directory
    paths << FavoritePath.new("/fs/project/#{User.new.name}")

You will need to modify that file like so:

# /etc/ood/config/apps/dashboard/initializers/ood.rb

  Rails.application.config.after_initialize do
    OodFilesApp.candidate_favorite_paths.tap do |paths|
      # add User project space directory
      paths << FavoritePath.new("/fs/project/#{User.new.name}")

Configurations “whitelist” and “blacklist” Have Been Removed.

These configurations have been updated to use more inclusive language.

Configurations that have “whitelist” or “blacklist” in the name have been deprecated in version 3.0 and replaced with “allowlist” or “blocklist” respectively in version 4.0.

The configurations maintenance_ip_whitelist for configuring maintenance IPs has been replaced by maintenance_ip_allowlist.

The WHITELIST_PATH environment variable for configuring inaccessible paths in the file browser has been replaced by OOD_ALLOWLIST_PATH.

ACL configurations in cluster.d files now use allowlist and blocklist instead of whitelist and blacklist. However, sites should use Linux FACLs to control these files instead of relying on these configurations.

Announcements Are Dismissible by Default.

In version 4.0, Announcements now have the ability to be dismissible, meaning users can press OK on the announcement and it will no longer appear on the pages.

In prior versions of Open OnDemand, there was no way to dismiss or get rid of announcements. Now in version 4.0, not only is there a way to dismiss announcements, announcements themselves are dismissible by default.

The documentation for Announcements has been updated with this new feature.

Batch Connect Form Identifiers Are Now Lowercase.

To resolve bugs with Dynamic Form Widgets, batch connect form items will now force lowercase HTML IDs. This may break some JavaScript at centers expecting the HTML ID of the form item to be a mix of uppercase and lowercase.

Below is an example of defining a form item with uppercase keys like My_Cool_Form_Item.


In this example, My_Cool_Form_Item has uppercase characters, but the HTML ID of the form item will be lowercase, as shown below.


Root-Owned Configuration Files

In an effort to increase the security of the Open OnDemand platform, the system will now only respond to root-owned configuration files.

This means that all configuration files in /etc/ood/config will need to be owned by the root user (uid 0) in order to be used.

While these files need to be root-owned, they can continue to have any group ownership.


POLL_DELAY is Deprecated.

POLL_DELAY is deprecated in 4.0 and being replaced by documented configurations. See Batch connect sessions poll delay for more details.

Dependency Updates

This release updates the following dependencies:

  • Passenger 6.0.23

  • NGINX 1.26.1

  • ondemand-dex 2.41.1

  • Ruby 3.3 (RHEL 8 & 9 only)


    The change in Ruby version means any Ruby-based apps that are not provided by the OnDemand RPM must be rebuilt or supply their own Ruby Wrapper to use the older version of Ruby.

  • NodeJS 20 (Every OS)


    The change in NodeJs version means any Node-based apps that are not provided by the OnDemand RPM must be rebuilt or supply their own Node Wrapper to use the older version of NodeJs.


    Ubuntu 24.04 and Debian 12 are no longer supported on ppc64le due to NodeJS 20 not being available on that architecture.


OnDemand repos no longer provide mod_auth_openidc or cjose.

SELinux Changes

No SELinux changes in version 4.0.

New Features and Enhancements

Required Announcements

Announcements have been updated in version 4.0 as seen in Announcements Are Dismissible by Default. breaking change above.

Along with that breaking change, there is also a very exciting feature you now use: required announcements.

Required announcements must be accepted before any page can be loaded. This is useful to present users with a Terms of Service (TOS) or End User License Agreement (EULA) or similar. The users will not be able to do anything with Open OnDemand until they’ve accepted these announcements.

Global Batch Connect Items

In version 4.0, you can now define batch connect form items in ondemand.d files to be used across any batch connect application.

See Global Batch Connect Form Items for more details.

noVNC Quality and Compression Defaults

Sites can now set the default compression and quality values for noVNC batch connect applications using the two ondemand.d properties novnc_default_compression and novnc_default_quality.

Prior versions of Open OnDemand had these default values hard coded. Now sites can set these defaults if they wish to provide their users with higher quality defaults, for example.

Batch Connect Sessions Poll Delay

When a user lands on My Interactive Sessions page, the client browser will request updates every 10 seconds by default.

Sites that wish to change this behavior must use the hidden environment variable POLL_DELAY.

In version 4.0, this setting is now a documented configuration, with the hidden environment variable POLL_DELAY being deprecated. See the bc_sessions_poll_delay documentation for more details.

System Status Application

Your center may have deployed the OSC System Status Application.

Version 4.0 now includes this application natively, although it currently supports only Slurm clusters.

Here’s an example image from OSC detailing the system status of our clusters.

An image showing the system status application with four panels, each for a different cluster. Each panel displays the number of available nodes, cores, GPUs, running jobs and queued jobs. It also shows the available percentages for nodes, cores, and GPUs.

This application will poll for updates at regular intervals to automatically update the page. The default polling interval is 10 seconds. See the documentation on status_poll_delay for more details.

Visit Disabling applications to disable this application.

data-hide Directives Now Respond to False.

data-hide directives now respond to both true to hide the form item or false to show the form item.

Responding to false is new feature in version 4.0.

This was added as a convenience for some forms.

New data-label Directive

Version 4.0 adds the data-label directive. This is used to update the help text on a given form when certain choices are made. An example of this may be a node_type select widget that can change its help text based on which node type the user has selected.

Dynamic Element Labels is the complete documentation for this feature.

User Mapping Now Accepts User Identifiers.

User mapping scripts can now return a UID instead of a username. This is particularly useful for centers that have multiple domains where username collisions may occur.

For example if the two users annie.oakley@osc.edu and annie.oakley@caltech.edu both incorrectly map to the user annie.oakley, you will now be able to return the unique number that is their UID (User Identifier) and therefore have no collisions.

Interactive Apps Can Have a Text Header.

The form_header item can be added to interactive applications to display additional text within the form. Note this is different from the description field in the manifest.yml, as the form_header text will not appear on hover.

See the form documentation for form_header for more details.

Removed Runtime Dependency on Software Collections

OnDemand no longer requires Software Collections (SCL) on RHEL-based systems. OnDemand also no longer has an indirect dependency on the TCL environment module packages. This removal of the SCL dependency should make it possible to install OnDemand on hosts such as head nodes, where the Lmod environment modules are set up.

XDMoD Efficiency Widget Update

The XDMoD job details widget now displays job efficiency calculations for CPU usage, memory usage and elapsed time.

Prior versions of Open OnDemand only showed efficiency calculations for CPU.

Edit and Delete Interactive Application Saved Settings

Saved settings for interactive applications, introduced in version 3.1, have been enhanced in version 4.0 to support editing and deletion. This update allows users to manage their saved settings more effectively, addressing a limitation in previous versions where settings could only be created but not modified or removed.

See Editing and deleting settings for more details.

nginx_clean Now Cleans PUNs for Disabled Users.

The helper method nginx_clean in the nginx_stage library will now remove PUNs and associated files for users who have been disabled.

Disabled users are those who have been removed from LDAP and are no longer valid users on that system.

This change ensures that centers that delete users (by removing them from LDAP) will also clean up related processes on the OnDemand machine.

File Editor Interface Update

The file editor interface has been updated to align with the overall OnDemand design. The navigation bar, now consistent with other OnDemand pages, replaces the previous layout. Options such as “Font Size” and Theme” have been relocated to the left sidebar for improved accessibility.

The figure below is an image of how the file editor appears in 4.0.

An image showing the file editor as it appears in 4.0 with the Open OnDemand navigation bar and a new panel to the left for saving and other file editor specific options.

Project Manager Preview

The Open OnDemand development team has been working on a replacement for the Job Composer. We’re calling this new application the Project Manager.

While version 3.1 also shipped with a preview of this application, we’ve made several updates since then. The Project Manager is disabled by default because it’s not feature rich enough to replace the Job Composer in this release.

However, you may still wish to enable this for staff members or friendly users.

To enable the Project Manager, simply follow the instructions in Disabling applications to enable this application.

Upgrade Instructions


Update the development or test instances of OnDemand installed at your center first before you modify the production instance.


We have tested the upgrade from 3.1.10 to 4.0.0 at OSC’s OnDemand instance.

  1. Update OnDemand repository.

    sudo yum install -y https://yum.osc.edu/ondemand/4.0/ondemand-release-web-4.0-1.el8.noarch.rpm
  2. (RHEL/Rocky/AlmaLinux 8 & 9 only) Enable dependency repos.

    sudo dnf module reset nodejs
    sudo dnf module enable nodejs:20
    sudo dnf module reset ruby
    sudo dnf module enable ruby:3.3
  3. Update OnDemand

    sudo yum clean all
    sudo yum update ondemand
  4. (Dex users only) Update the ondemand-dex package.

    sudo yum update ondemand-dex
  5. Update Apache configuration and restart Apache.

    sudo /opt/ood/ood-portal-generator/sbin/update_ood_portal
    sudo systemctl try-restart httpd
  6. (Dex users only) Restart the ondemand-dex service.

    sudo systemctl try-restart ondemand-dex.service
  7. (SELinux users only) Update SELinux policies.

    See SELinux after Updates.

  8. Force all PUNs to restart.

    sudo /opt/ood/nginx_stage/sbin/nginx_stage nginx_clean -f
  9. (RHEL/Rocky/AlmaLinux 8 & 9 only) Remove old dependencies from prior versions of OOD if they are not used by other applications.

    sudo dnf remove environment-modules scl-utils
  10. (RHEL/Rocky/AlmaLinux OIDC 8 only) Set mod_auth_openidc and cjose to the OS packaged version.

sudo dnf downgrade mod_auth_openidc