

To add an announcement message that appears at the top of the dashboard you can create a file at /etc/ood/config/announcement.(md|yml) or /etc/ood/config/announcements.d/any_file_name.(md|yml).

On each request the dashboard will check for the existence of this file. If it exists, the contents will be converted using markdown converter to HTML and displayed inside a bootstrap alert.

For example, if I create an file with the contents:

**NOTICE:** There will be a two day downtime on February 21-22, 2017. OSC
OnDemand will be unavailable during this period. For details, please visit

the user would see this message at the top of the dashboard:


Fig. 1 Example of the Dashboard announcement.

If the announcement file has the extension yml and is a yaml file it is first rendered using ERB and then the resulting file is parsed as YAML. The valid keys are:

Table 2 Config Files
type warning, info, success, or danger this is the Bootstrap alert style
msg string containing markdown formatted message if this is a blank string (only whitespace), the alert will not display

Because the announcement is rendered via ERB you can do some interesting things, like stop showing the announcement past a specified date:

type: warning
msg: |
  <% if <, 9, 24, 12, 0, 0) %>
  A **Ruby Partial Downtime** for 4 hours on Monday, September 24 from 8:00am to 12:00pm
  will prevent SSH login to Ruby nodes and and Ruby VDI sessions.
  <% end %>


Warnings about the announcement file being missing may be present in users’ nginx logs. Despite the warning the Dashboard will still function normally without those files being present.

Message of the Day (MOTD)

You can configure the Dashboard to display the /etc/motd file on the front page - the same file that is displayed when ssh-ing to a login node.

To display a MOTD file on the Dashboard ensure that the environment variables $MOTD_PATH and $MOTD_FORMAT are set, where

MOTD_PATH="/etc/motd" # this supports both file and RSS feed URIs
MOTD_FORMAT="txt" # markdown, txt, rss

Fig. 2 Message of the Day appears in the body of the index page.

We recommend setting this in /etc/ood/config/apps/dashboard/env.


You can customize the logo, favicon, title, and navbar colors of OnDemand.


We recommend setting these environment variables in /etc/ood/config/nginx_stage.yml as YAML mappings (key value pairs) in the mapping (hash/dictionary) pun_custom_env. Alternatively you can set these in the env files of the dashboard and the apps. Currently only the dashboard uses the colors in the navbar.

Table 3 Branding
Feature Environment Variable Details
Title OOD_DASHBOARD_TITLE The title appears in the navbar and is controlled by the environment variable $OOD_DASHBOARD_TITLE. The default value is “Open OnDemand”.
Logo OOD_DASHBOARD_LOGO The default value for OOD_DASHBOARD_LOGO is /public/logo.png and this should be the URL to the logo. By default if you place a logo.png at /var/www/ood/public/logo.png it will be accessible via the URL SVG logo format is also supported.
Logo height OOD_DASHBOARD_LOGO_HEIGHT The CSS height of the dashboard logo.
Favicon OOD_PUBLIC_URL The favicon is expected to exist at the path $OOD_PUBLIC_URL/favicon.ico. For a default OOD installation the favicon will be located at /var/www/ood/public/favicon.ico.
Brand background color OOD_BRAND_BG_COLOR Controls the background color of the navbar in the dashboard
Brand foreground color OOD_BRAND_LINK_ACTIVE_BG_COLOR Controls the background color the active link in the navbar in the dashboard
Replace header title with logo OOD_DASHBOARD_HEADER_IMG_LOGO Value should be url to logo i.e. /public/logo.png. the background color the active link in the navbar in the dashboard
Use white text on black background for navbar. OOD_NAVBAR_TYPE By default we use inverse for this value, which specifies to use Bootstrap 3’s inverted navbar where text is white and background is black (or dark grey). You can set this to default to use black text on light grey background if it fits your branding better.

Fig. 3 Nav bar if I set OOD_BRAND_BG_COLOR to #0000ff and OOD_BRAND_LINK_ACTIVE_BG_COLOR to #ff0000 and OOD_DASHBOARD_TITLE to OSC OnDemand


If setting in nginx_stage.yml, careful to set the value using quotes i.e. OOD_BRAND_BG_COLOR: '#0000ff'. If you omit the quotes, YAML will see # as a comment and the value of the OOD_BRAND_BG_COLOR will be nil

Add URLs to Help Menu

These URLs can be specified, which will appear in the Help menu and on other locations of the Dashboard. We recommend setting this in /etc/ood/config/apps/dashboard/env.

Table 4 Dashboard URLs
Name Environment variable Example value
Developer Documentation OOD_DASHBOARD_DEV_DOCS_URL (link appears in Develop dropdown if developer mode enabled for user)
Custom Help URL (Also requires locale en.dashboard.nav_help_custom) OOD_DASHBOARD_HELP_CUSTOM_URL

Add Shortcuts to Files Menu

The Files menu by default has a single link to open the Files app in the user’s Home Directory. More links can be added to this menu, for Scratch space and Project space directories.

Adding more links currently requires adding a custom initializer to the Dashboard app. Ruby code is placed in the initializer to add one or more Ruby FavoritePath (or Pathname for backwards compatibility) objects to the OodFilesApp.candidate_favorite_paths array, a global attribute that is used in the Dashboard app.

FavoritePath is instantiated with a single String or Pathname argument, the directory path, and with an optional keyword argument title specifying a human readable title for that path.

Start by creating the file /etc/ood/config/apps/dashboard/initializers/ood.rb as such:

# /etc/ood/config/apps/dashboard/initializers/ood.rb

OodFilesApp.candidate_favorite_paths.tap do |paths|
  # add project space directories
  projects =^P./)
  paths.concat { |p|"/fs/project/#{p}")  }

  # add User scratch space directory
  paths <<"/fs/scratch/#{}")

  # Project scratch is given an optional title field
  paths.concat { |p|"/fs/scratch/#{p}", title: "Scratch")  }
  • The variable paths is an array of FavoritePath objects that define a list of what will appear in the Dashboard menu for Files
  • At OSC, the pattern for project paths follows /fs/project/project_name. So above we:
    1. get an array of all user’s groups by name
    2. filter that array for groups that start with P (i.e., PZS0002, PAW0003, …)
    3. using map we turn this array into an array of FavoritePath objects to all the possible project directories the user could have.
    4. extend the paths array with this list of paths
  • For possible scratch space directories, we look for either /fs/scratch/project_name or /fs/scratch/user_name
  • Additionally project scratch directories have a ‘title’ attribute and will with in the dropdown with both the title and the path.

On each request, the Dashboard will check for the existence of the directories in OodFilesApp.candidate_favorite_paths array and whichever directories exist and the user has access to will appear as links in the Files menu under the Home Directory link.


Fig. 4 Shortcuts to scratch and project space directories in Files menu in OSC OnDemand.

  • You must restart the Dashboard app to see a configuration change take effect. This can be forced from the Dashboard itself by selecting HelpRestart Web Server from the top right menu.

If you access the Dashboard, and it crashes, then you may have made a mistake in ood.rb file, whose code is run during the initialization of the Rails app.

Set Upload Limits

By default, the file size upload limit is 10737420000 bytes (~10.7 GB).

If you want set this to a lower value, set the FILE_UPLOAD_MAX configuration in the file apps’ configuration file /etc/ood/config/apps/shell/env.

If you want to set it to a higher value set nginx_file_upload_max in /etc/ood/config/nginx_stage.yml to the desired value. If you have FILE_UPLOAD_MAX set from above, unset it.

If the values differ, the files app will choose the smaller of the two as the maximum upload limit.


Both of these configurations are expected to be numbers only (no characters) and in units of bytes. The default value of 10737420000 bytes is ~10.7 GB or ~10.0 Gib.

Values like 1000M or 20G will not be accepted and may cause errors.

If you want to disable file upload altogether, set FILE_UPLOAD_MAX to 0 and leave the nginx_file_upload_max configuration alone (or comment it out so the default is used).

Whitelist Directories

By setting a colon delimited WHITELIST_PATH environment variable, the Job Composer, File Editor, and Files app respect the whitelist in the following manner:

  1. Users will be prevented from navigating to, uploading or downloading, viewing, editing files that is not an eventual child of the whitelisted paths
  2. Users will be prevented from copying a template directory from an arbitrary path in the Job Composer if the arbitrary path that is not an eventual child of the whitelisted paths
  3. Users should not be able to get around this using symlinks

We recommend setting this environment variable in /etc/ood/config/nginx_stage.yml as a YAML mapping (key value pairs) in the mapping (hash/dictionary) pun_custom_env i.e. below would whitelist home directories, project space, and scratch space at OSC:

  WHITELIST_PATH: "/users:/fs/project:/fs/scratch"


This is not yet used in production at OSC, so we consider this feature “experimental” for now.


This whitelist is not enforced across every action a user can take in an app (including the developer views in the Dashboard). Also, it is enforced via the apps themselves, which is not as robust as using cgroups on the PUN.

Set Default SSH Host


The shell app does not work out of the box because all SSH hosts have to be explicitly allowed through the allowlist (see the section below).

Because there are no hosts configured, no hosts are allowed.

In /etc/ood/config/apps/shell/env set the env var OOD_DEFAULT_SSHHOST to change the default ssh host. Since 1.8, there is no out of the box default (in previous versions it was ‘localhost’, but this has been removed).

This will control what host the shell app ssh’s to when the URL accessed is /pun/sys/shell/ssh/default which is the URL other apps will use (unless there is context to specify the cluster to ssh to).

Since 1.8 you can also set the default ssh host in the cluster configuration as well. Simply add default=true attribute to the login section like the example below.

# /etc/ood/config/clusters.d/my_cluster.yml
    title: "My Cluster"
    host: ""
    default: true

Set SSH Allowlist

In 1.8 and above we stopped allowing ssh access by default. Now you have explicitly set what hosts users will be allowed to connect to in the shell application.

Every cluster configuration with that is not hidden (it has v2.metadata.hidden attribute set to true) will be added to this allowlist.

To add other hosts into the allow list (for example compute nodes) add the configuration OOD_SSHHOST_ALLOWLIST to the /etc/ood/config/apps/shell/env file.

This configuration is expected to be a colon (:) separated list of GLOBs.

Here’s an example of of this configuration with three such GLOBs that allow for shell access into any compute node in our three clusters.

# /etc/ood/config/apps/shell/env

Shell App SSH Command Wrapper

Since OOD 1.7 you can use an ssh wrapper script in the shell application instead of just the ssh command.

This is helpful when you pass add additional environment variable through ssh (-o SendEnv=MY_ENV_VAR) or ensure some ssh command options be used.

To use your ssh wrapper configure OOD_SSH_WRAPPER=/usr/bin/changeme to point to your script in /etc/ood/config/apps/shell/env. Also be sure to make your script executable.

Here’s a simple example of what a wrapper script could look like.


args="-o SendEnv=MY_ENV_VAR"

exec /usr/bin/ssh "$args" "$@"

Fix Unauthorized WebSocket Connection in Shell App

If you see a 401 error when attempting to launch a Shell app session, where the request URL starts with wss:// and the response header includes X-OOD-Failure-Reason: invalid origin, you may need to set the OOD_SHELL_ORIGIN_CHECK configuration option.

There is a security feature that adds proper CSRF protection using both the Origin request header check and a CSRF token check.

The Origin check uses X-Forwarded-Proto and X-Forwarded-Host that Apache mod_proxy sets to build the string that is used to compare with the Origin request header the browser sends in the WebSocket upgrade request.

In some edge cases this string may not be correct, and as a result valid WebSocket connections will be denied. In this case you can either set OOD_SHELL_ORIGIN_CHECK env var to the correct https string, or disable the origin check altogether by setting OOD_SHELL_ORIGIN_CHECK=off (or any other value that does not start with “http”) in the /etc/ood/config/apps/shell/env file.

Either way the CSRF token will still provide protection from this vulnerability.

# /etc/ood/config/apps/shell/env
# to disable it, just configure it with something that doesn't start with http

# to change it simply specify the http(s) origin you want to verify against.

Custom Job Composer Templates

Below explains how job templates work for the Job Composer and how you can add your own. Here is an example of the templates we use at OSC for the various clusters we have

Job Templates Overview

“Job Composer” attempts to model a simple but common workflow. When creating a new batch job to run a simulation a user may:

  1. copy the directory of a job they already ran or an example job
  2. edit the files
  3. submit a new job

“Job Composer” implements these steps by providing the user job template directories and the ability to make copies of them: (1) Copy a directory, (2) Edit the files, and (3) Submit a new job.

  1. Copy a directory of a job already ran or an example job
    1. User can create a new job from a “default” template. A custom default template can be defined at /etc/ood/config/apps/myjobs/templates/default or under the app deployment directory at /var/www/ood/apps/sys/myjobs/templates/default. If no default template is specified, the default is /var/www/ood/apps/sys/myjobs/example_templates/torque
    2. user can select a directory to copy from a list of “System” templates the admin copied to /etc/ood/config/apps/myjobs/templates or under the app deployment directory at /var/www/ood/apps/sys/myjobs/templates during installation
    3. user can select a directory to copy from a list of “User” templates that the user has copied to $HOME/ondemand/data/sys/myjobs/templates
    4. user can select a job directory to copy that they already created through “Job Composer” from $HOME/ondemand/data/sys/myjobs/projects/default
  2. Edit the files
    1. user can open the copied job directory in the File Explorer and edit files using the File Editor
  3. Submit a new job
    1. user can use the Job Options form specify which host to submit to, what file is the job script
    2. user can use the web interface to submit the job to the batch system
    3. after the job is completed, the user can open the directory in the file explorer to view results

Job Template Details

A template consists of a folder and a manifest.yml file.

The folder contains files and scripts related to the job.

The manifest contains additional metadata about a job, such as a name, the default host, the submit script file name, and any notes about the template.

name: A Template Name
host: ruby
notes: Notes about the template, such as content and function.

In the event that a job is created from a template that is missing from the manifest.yml, “Job Composer” will assign the following default values:

  • name The name of the template folder.
  • host The cluster id of the first cluster with a valid resource_mgr listed in the OOD cluster config
  • script The first .sh file appearing in the template folder.
  • notes The path to the location where a template manifest should be located.

Job Composer Script Size Limit

Since 1.7 the Job composer shows users ‘Suggested file(s)’ and ‘Other valid file(s)’. Other valid files are _any_ files less than OOD_MAX_SCRIPT_SIZE_KB which defaults to 65 (meaning 65kb).

To reconfigure this, simply set the environment variable in the job composers’ env file /etc/ood/config/apps/myjobs/env like so:

# show any file less than or equal to 15 kb

Custom Error Page for Missing Home Directory on Launch

Some sites have the home directory auto-create on first ssh login, for example via This introduces a problem if users first access the system through OnDemand, which expects the existence of a user’s home directory.

In OnDemand <= 1.3 if the user’s home directory was missing a non-helpful single string error would display. Now a friendly error page displays. This error page can be customized by adding a custom one to /etc/ood/config/pun/html/missing_home_directory.html.

The default error page looks like this:


An example of a custom error page has been provided at /opt/ood/nginx_stage/html/missing_home_directory.html.example.pam_mkhomedir and can be copied to /etc/ood/config/pun/html/missing_home_directory.html. This example directs the user to first click a link to open the shell app which will create the home directory. The shell app’s default host must be configured to be a host that is appropriate for this purpose. The custom error page looks like this:


See this Discourse discussion for details.

Control Which Apps Appear in the Dashboard Navbar

Apps contain a manifest.yml file that specify things like the title, icon, category, and possibly subcategory. The Dashboard searchs the search paths for all the possible apps and uses the manifests of the apps it finds to build the navbar (navigation menu) at the top of the page. Apps are placed in the top level menus based on the category, and then in dropdown menu sections based on subcategory.

In OnDemand 1.3 and earlier, a Ruby array (NavConfig.categories) stored a whitelist of categories that could appear in the navbar. This whitelist acts both as a sort order for the top level menus of apps and a whitelist of which apps will appear in the menu. The only way to modify this whitelist is to do so in a Dashboard initializer. You would add a file /etc/ood/config/apps/dashboard/initializers/ood.rb and add this line:

NavConfig.categories << "Reports"

Then an app that specifies “Reports” as the category in the manifest would appear in the “Reports” menu.

In OnDemand 1.4 we changed the behavior by adding a new boolean variable NavConfig.categories_whitelist which defaults to false. If false, whitelist mode is disabled, and the NavConfig.categories only exists to act to enforce a sort order and all apps found with a valid category will be available to launch.

Below are different configuration options and the resulting navbar if you had installed:

  • OnDemand with a cluster configured that accepts job submissions and shell access
  • at least one interactive app
  • at least one custom app that specifies “Reports” as the category
Table 5 Navbar Configuration
Configuration Resulting Navbar Reason
Default configuration “Files”, “Jobs”, “Clusters”, “Interactive Apps”, “Reports” whitelist mode is false, so whitelist now only enforces sort order
NavConfig.categories_whitelist=true in /etc/ood/config/apps/dashboard/initializers/ood.rb “Files”, “Jobs”, “Clusters”, “Interactive Apps” whitelist mode is enabled and since “Reports” is not in the whitelist it is omitted
NavConfig.categories=[] in /etc/ood/config/apps/dashboard/initializers/ood.rb “Clusters”, “Files”, “Interactive Apps”, “Jobs”, “Reports” the app categories appear in alphabetical order since whitelist mode is disabled
NavConfig.categories=[] and NavConfig.categories_whitelist=true in /etc/ood/config/apps/dashboard/initializers/ood.rb no app menus appear! whitelist mode is enabled, so only apps in NavConfig.categories would appear, and since that is an empty list, no apps appear in the navbar

Customize Text in OnDemand

Using Rails support for Internationaliation (i18n), we have internationalized many strings in the Dashboard and the Job Composer apps.

Initial translation dictionary files with defaults that work well for OSC and using the English locale (en) have been added (/var/www/ood/apps/sys/dashboard/config/locales/en.yml and /var/www/ood/apps/sys/myjobs/config/locales/en.yml). Sites wishing to modify these strings in order to provide site specific replacements for English, or use a different locale altogether, should do the following:

  1. Copy the translation dictionary file (or create a new file with the same stucture of the keys you want to modify) to /etc/ood/config/locales/en.yml and modify that copy.
  2. If you want apps to look for these dictionary files in a different location than /etc/ood/config/locales/en.yml you can change the location by defining OOD_LOCALES_ROOT environment variable.
  3. The default locale is “en”. You can use a custom locale. For example, if you want the locale to be French, you can create a /etc/ood/config/locales/fr.yml and then configure the Dashboard to use this locale by setting the environment variable OOD_LOCALE=fr where the locale is just the name of the file without the extension. Do this in either the nginx_stage config or in the Dashboard and Job Composer env config file.

In each default translation dictionary file the values that are most site-specific (and thus relevant for change) appear at the top.

Table 6 OnDemand Locale Files
File path App Translation namespace
/var/www/ood/apps/sys/dashboard/config/locales/en.yml Dashboard dashboard
/var/www/ood/apps/sys/myjobs/config/locales/en.yml Job Composer jobcomposer
/etc/ood/config/locales/en.yml All localizable apps will check this path, unless OOD_LOCALES_ROOT is set. Any


Translations have certain variables passed to them for example %{support_url}. Those variables may be used or removed from the translation. Attempting to use a variable that is not available to the translation will crash the application.


Localization files are YAML documents; remember that YAML uses spaces for indentation NOT tabs per the YAML spec.


OnDemand uses the convention that translations that accept HTML with be suffixed with _html. Any other translation will be displayed as plain text.

Change the Dashboard Tagline

    welcome_html: |
      <p class="lead">OnDemand provides an integrated, single access point for all of your HPC resources.</p>
    motd_title: "Message of the Day"

The welcome_html interpolates the variable logo_img_tag with the default logo, or the logo specified by the environment variable OOD_DASHBOARD_LOGO.

You may omit this variable in the value you specify for welcome_html if you prefer.

Change quota messages in the Dashboard

Two messages related to file system usage that sites may want to change:

  • quota_additional_message - gives the user advice on what to do if they see a quota warning
  • quota_reload_message - tells the user that they should reload the page to see their quota usage change, and by default also tells users that the quota values are updated every 5 minutes

Customize Text in the Job Composer’s options form

The OSC-default value for options_account_help says that the account field is optional unless a user is a member of multiple projects.

Items of note include what to call Accounts which might also be Charge Codes, or Projects. At OSC entering an account is optional unless a user is a member of multiple projects which is reflected in the default value for the string options_account_help.

Disk Quota Warnings on Dashboard

You can display warnings to users on the Dashboard if their disk quota is nearing its limit. This requires an auto-updated (it is recommended to update this file every 5 minutes with a cronjob) JSON file that lists all user quotas. The JSON schema for version 1 is given as:

  "version": 1,
  "timestamp": 1525361263,
  "quotas": [

Where version defines the version of the JSON schema used, timestamp defines when this file was generated, and quotas is a list of quota objects (see below).

You can configure the Dashboard to use this JSON file (or files) by setting the environment variable OOD_QUOTA_PATH as a colon-delimited list of all JSON file paths in the /etc/ood/config/apps/dashboard/env file. In addition to pointing to files OOD_QUOTA_PATH may also contain HTTP(s) or FTP protocol URLs. Colons used in URLs are correctly handled and are not treated as delimiters.


Sites using HTTP(s) or FTP for their quota files may see slower dashboard load times, depending on the responsiveness of the server providing the quota file(s).

The default threshold for displaying the warning is at 95% (0.95), but this can be changed with the environment variable OOD_QUOTA_THRESHOLD.

An example is given as:

# /etc/ood/config/apps/dashboard/env


Individual User Quota

If the quota is defined as a user quota, then it applies to only disk resources used by the user alone. This is the default type of quota object and is given in the following format:


A block must be equal to 1 KB for proper conversions.

Individual Fileset Quota

If the quota is defined as a fileset quota, then it applies to all disk resources used underneath a given volume. This requires the object to be repeated for each user that uses disk resources under this given volume. The format is given as:

  "type": "fileset",
  "user": "user1",
  "path": "/path/to/volume2",
  "block_usage": 500,
  "total_block_usage": 1000,
  "block_limit": 2000,
  "file_usage": 1,
  "total_file_usage": 5,
  "file_limit": 10

Where block_usage and file_usage are the disk resource usages attributed to the specified user only.


For each user with resources under this fileset, the above object will be repeated with just user, block_usage, and file_usage changing.

Balance Warnings on Dashboard

You can display warnings to users on the Dashboard if their resource balance is nearing its limit. This requires an auto-updated (it is recommended to update this file daily with a cronjob) JSON file that lists all user balances. The JSON schema for version 1 is given as:

  "version": 1,
  "timestamp": 1525361263,
  "config": {
    "unit": "RU",
    "project_type": "project"
  "balances": [

Where version defines the version of the JSON schema used, timestamp defines when this file was generated, and balances is a list of quota objects (see below).

The value for config.unit defines the type of units for balances and config.project_type would be project, account, or group, etc. Both values are used in locales and can be any string value.

You can configure the Dashboard to use this JSON file (or files) by setting the environment variable OOD_BALANCE_PATH as a colon-delimited list of all JSON file paths.


Sites using HTTP(s) or FTP for their balance files may see slower dashboard load times, depending on the responsiveness of the server providing the quota file(s).

The default threshold for displaying the warning is at 0, but this can be changed with the environment variable OOD_BALANCE_THRESHOLD.

An example is given as:

# /etc/ood/config/apps/dashboard/env


User Balance

If the balance is defined as a user balance, then it applies to only that user. Omit the project key:

  "user": "user1",
  "value": 10

Project Balance

If the balance is defined as a project balance, then it applies to a project/account/group, whatever is defined for config.project_type:

  "user": "user1",
  "project": "project1",
  "value": 10

Maintenance Mode

As an administrator you may want to have some downtime of the Open OnDemand service for various reasons, while still telling your customers that the downtime is expected.

You can do this by setting Open OnDemand in ‘Maintenance Mode’. Apache will serve /var/www/ood/public/maintenance/index.html which you can change or brand to be your own. Changes to this file will persist through upgrades.

Apache returns this html file and a 503 response code to all users who’s IP does not match one of the configured whitelist regular expressions. The whitelist is to allow staff, localhost or a subset of your users access while restricting others.

In this example we allow access to anyone from 192.168.1..* which is the CIDR and the single IP ‘’.

These are the settings you’ll need for this functionality.

# /etc/ood/config/ood_portal.yml
use_rewrites: true
use_maintenance: true
  # examples only! Your ip regular expressions will be specific to your site.
  - '192.168.1..*'
  - ''

To start maintenance mode (and thus start serving this page) simply touch /etc/ood/maintenance.enable to create the necessary file. When your downtime is complete just remove the file and all the traffic will be served normally again. The existence of this file is what starts or stops maintenance mode, not it’s content, so you will not need to restart apache or modify it’s config files for this to take affect.

Grafana support

It’s possible to display Grafana graphs within the ActiveJobs app when a user expands a given job.

Grafana must be configured to support embedded panels and at this time it is also required to have a anonymous organization. Below are configuration options are needed to support displaying Grafana panels in ActiveJobs. Adjust org_name to match whatever organization you wish to be anonymous.


Changing a Grafana install to support anonymous access can cause unintended consequences for how authenticated users interact with Grafana. It’s recommended to test anonymous access on a non-production Grafana install if you do not already support anonymous access.

enabled = true
org_name = Public
org_role = Viewer

allow_embedding = true

The dashboard used by OSC is the OnDemand Clusters dashboard.

Settings used to access Grafana are configured in the cluster config. The following is an example from OSC:

    host: ""
    orgId: 3
      name: "ondemand-clusters"
      uid: "aaba6Ahbauquag"
        cpu: 20
        memory: 24
      cluster: "cluster"
      host: "host"
      jobid: "jobid"
    cluster_override: "mysite"

When viewing a dashboard in Grafana choose the panel you’d wish to display and select Share. Then choose the Embed tab which will provide you with the iframe URL that will need to be generated within OnDemand. The time ranges and values for labels (eg: var-cluster=) will be autofilled by OnDemand.

  • orgId is the orgId query parameter
  • The dashboard name is the last segment of the URI before query parameters
  • The uid` is the UID portion of URL that is unique to every dashboard
  • The panelId query parameter will be used as the value for either cpu or memory depending on the panel you have selected
  • The values for labels are how OnDemand maps labels in Grafana to values expected in OnDemand. The jobid key is optional, the others are required.
  • The cluster_override can override the cluster name used to make requests to Grafana if the Grafana cluster name varies from OnDemand cluster name.

Set Illegal Job Name Characters

If you encounter an issue in running batch connect applications complaining about invalid job names like the error below.

Unable to read script file because of error: ERROR! argument to -N option must not contain /

To resolve this set OOD_JOB_NAME_ILLEGAL_CHARS to / for all OOD applications in the pun_custom_env attribute of the /etc/ood/config/nginx_stage.yml file.

# /etc/ood/config/nginx_stage.yml

Customize Dex Theme

It’s possible to use a customized theme when authenticating with Dex when using OnDemand’s default authentication. Refer to the upstream Dex template docs for additional information on templating Dex.

The simplest approach is to copy the OnDemand theme and make changes. This is idea if you wish to make the following changes:

  • Change navigation or login page logos
  • Change favicon
  • Change CSS styles
cp -r /usr/share/ondemand-dex/web/themes/ondemand /usr/share/ondemand-dex/web/themes/mycenter

To update the theme you must modify /etc/ood/config/ood_portal.yml and regenerate the Dex configuration:

# ...
    theme: mycenter

The default ondemand theme can also be configured using the following configuration keys within /etc/ood/config/ood_portal.yml:

# ...
    issuer: "MyCenter OnDemand"
      navLogo: "/path/to/custom/nav-logo.png"
      loginLogo: "/path/to/custom/logo.png"
      loginTitle: "Log in with your Center username and password"
      loginButtonText: "Log in with your Center account"
      usernamePlaceholder: "center-username"
      passwordPlaceholder: "center-password"
      loginAlertMessage: "Login services will be down during center maintenance between 8:00 AM EST and 10:00 AM EST"
      loginAlertType: "warning"

Changes are applied by running update_ood_portal and restarting the ondemand-dex service.

sudo /opt/ood/ood-portal-generator/sbin/update_ood_portal
sudo systemctl restart ondemand-dex.service

XDMoD Integration (BETA)

XDMoD Integration requires XDMoD 9+, OnDemand 1.8+, and the ability to facilitate single sign on between the two services. Currently this has been demonstrated to work using OpenID Connect via Keycloak as well as a modified instance of Dex Identity Provider to support sessions.


Fig. 5 Example of XDMoD Job Efficiency reports in the OnDemand Dashboard.

Steps to enable the XDMoD reports in the OnDemand Dashboard:

  1. Configure OnDemand with XDMoD host URL in PUN /etc/ood/config/nginx_stage.yml

      OOD_XDMOD_HOST: ""
  2. Add OnDemand host as domain to XDMoD portal settings for CORS /etc/xdmod/portal_settings.ini

    domains = ""
  3. Configure identity provider to include OnDemand host in HTTP Content-Security-Policy for frame-ancestors since OnDemand uses iFrames to trigger SSO with XDMoD when a user logs in. Below is what we ensured Content-Security-Policy header for frame-ancestors was set to when configuring Keycloak:

    frame-ancestors https://* 'self'
  4. If you want the XDMoD links in the OnDemand Job Composer you also need to configure OnDemand with XDMoD resource id in each cluster config. For example, in the hpctoolset the resource_id for the hpc cluster is 1 in XDMoD, so we modify /etc/ood/config/clusters.d/hpc.yml to add a xdmod map to the custom map at the bottom of the file:

       title: "HPC Cluster"
       host: "frontend"
       adapter: "slurm"
       cluster: "hpc"
       bin: "/usr/bin"
         resource_id: 1