3. Customize Attributes

Now we will customize the app to work on your cluster. Be sure that you walk through Software Requirements for the given cluster ahead of time.

The main responsibility of the form.yml file (User Form (form.yml.erb)) located in the root of the app is defining the attributes (their values or HTML form elements) used when generating the batch script.

  1. Open ~/ondemand/dev/bc_my_center_matlab/form.yml you should see something that looks like this:

cluster: "owens"
  - version
  - bc_account
  - bc_num_hours
  - bc_num_slots
  - num_cores
  - node_type
  - bc_vnc_resolution
  - bc_email_on_started
    widget: "number_field"
    label: "Number of cores"
    value: 1
    help: |
      Number of cores on node type (4 GB per core unless requesting whole
      node). Leave blank if requesting full node.
    min: 0
    max: 48
    step: 1
    id: 'num_cores'
  bc_num_slots: "1"
    required: true
    label: "Project"
    help: "You can leave this blank if **not** in multiple projects."
    widget: select
    label: "Node type"
    help: |
      - **any** - (*1-28 cores*) Use any available Owens node. This reduces the
        wait time as there are no node requirements.
      - **hugemem** - (*48 cores*) Use an Owens node that has 1.5TB of
        available RAM as well as 48 cores. There are 16 of these nodes on
        Owens. Requesting hugemem nodes allocates entire nodes.
      - **vis** - (*1-28 cores*) Use an Owens node that has an [NVIDIA Tesla P100
        GPU](http://www.nvidia.com/object/tesla-p100.html) with an X server
        running in the background. This utilizes the GPU for hardware
        accelerated 3D visualization. There are 160 of these nodes on Owens.
      - [ "any",     ""            ]
      - [ "hugemem", ":hugemem"    ]
      - [ "vis",     ":vis:gpus=1" ]
    widget: select
    label: "MATLAB version"
    help: "This defines the version of MATLAB you want to load."
      - [ "R2018b", "matlab/r2018b" ]
      - [ "R2018a", "matlab/r2018a" ]
      - [ "R2017a", "matlab/r2017a" ]
      - [ "R2016b", "matlab/r2016b" ]
      - [ "R2015b", "matlab/r2015b" ]


Multiple form elements / attributes are specific to OSC. We will focus on the ones that are required, and some that may be universally useful.

  1. We will begin by adding a cluster for the MATLAB app to use. You do this by editing ~/ondemand/dev/bc_my_center_matlab/form.yml in your favorite editor as such:

# ~/ondemand/dev/bc_my_center_matlab/form.yml
cluster: "owens"  # <---- Change this
  - version  # At OSC we provide
  - bc_account
  - bc_num_hours
  - bc_num_slots
  - num_cores
  - node_type
  - bc_vnc_resolution
  - bc_email_on_started
# ...

where we replace owens with a valid cluster that corresponds to a cluster configuration file located under /etc/ood/config/clusters.d/owens.yml.


The cluster attribute is not available to the form and cannot be changed at runtime.

  1. Set common options:

    cluster: "owens"
      - version               # <-- OSC supports multiple versions of MATLAB via Lmod
      - bc_account            # <-- the charge account
      - bc_num_hours          # <-- the number of user requested hours that the job run
      - bc_num_slots          # <-- the number of nodes
      - num_cores             # <-- the number of processors per node
      - node_type             # <-- OSC offers different hardware types (any, huge memory, GPU, ...)
      - bc_vnc_resolution     # <-- the resolution settings for the VNC connection
      - bc_email_on_started   # <-- should the system email the user when the job starts
  2. Set attribute values for each form element

    num_cores has a max and min set that are specific to OSC's Owens cluster; set these values to whatever makes sense for your site.

        widget: "number_field"
        label: "Number of cores"
        value: 1
        help: |
          Number of cores on node type (4 GB per core unless requesting whole
          node). Leave blank if requesting full node.
        min: 0
        max: 48
        step: 1
        id: 'num_cores'

    bc_num_slots is hard-coded to 1 and is not user editable because OSC does not support MPI work from the Batch Connect app. The value for bc_vnc_resolution should be copied verbatim. bc_account is the charge account for the batch work.

      bc_num_slots: "1"
        required: true
        label: "Project"
        help: "You can leave this blank if **not** in multiple projects."

    node_type allows users to select which hardware they want to run their work on. In the options mapping the first value is displayed to the user, the second value is made available to any ERB files in ~/ondemand/dev/bc_my_center_matlab/template/* and ~/ondemand/dev/bc_my_center_matlab/submit.yml.erb. version allows the user to select what version of MATLAB they want to run, and the second value corresponds to OSC's module names.

          widget: select
          label: "Node type"
          help: |
            - **any** - (*1-28 cores*) Use any available Owens node. This reduces the
              wait time as there are no node requirements.
            - **hugemem** - (*48 cores*) Use an Owens node that has 1.5TB of
              available RAM as well as 48 cores. There are 16 of these nodes on
              Owens. Requesting hugemem nodes allocates entire nodes.
            - **vis** - (*1-28 cores*) Use an Owens node that has an [NVIDIA Tesla P100
              GPU](http://www.nvidia.com/object/tesla-p100.html) with an X server
              running in the background. This utilizes the GPU for hardware
              accelerated 3D visualization. There are 160 of these nodes on Owens.
            - [ "any",     ""            ]
            - [ "hugemem", ":hugemem"    ]
            - [ "vis",     ":vis:gpus=1" ]
        widget: select
        label: "MATLAB version"
        help: "This defines the version of MATLAB you want to load."
          - [ "R2018b", "matlab/r2018b" ]
          - [ "R2018a", "matlab/r2018a" ]
          - [ "R2017a", "matlab/r2017a" ]
          - [ "R2016b", "matlab/r2016b" ]
          - [ "R2015b", "matlab/r2015b" ]


submit.yml.erb may also be submit.yml if there is no requirement to pass form values to the adapter, or perform another server-side task.