2. Modify Cluster Configuration
If you haven’t already done so, you will need to first have a corresponding cluster configuration file for the cluster you intend to submit interactive batch jobs to. It is recommended you follow the directions on Cluster Configuration.
This is a simple example that ensures modules are always being purged and
applications have the right environment variables for TurboVNC and websockify.
# /etc/ood/config/clusters.d/example_cluster.yml
title: "Example Cluster"
host: "example.my_center.edu"
adapter: "..."
script_wrapper: |
module purge
script_wrapper: |
module purge
export PATH="/usr/local/turbovnc/bin:$PATH"
export WEBSOCKIFY_CMD="/usr/local/websockify/run"
In this example we’re setting batch connect options globally
that wrap the basic
and vnc
scripts. That’s important, because it means any
batch connect app used on this cluster will use these settings.
This example uses bash code that wraps around the body Open OnDemand provided
scripts (the variable %s
). First, we purge the module environment to remove any conflicting modules that may have
been loaded by the user’s .bashrc
or .bash_profile
files. Then we
set environment variables needed by the vnc
script to launch TurboVNC and websockify.
This is an example of how to set batch connect options globally. You will likely need use different values.
Do not forget to include the %s
in the script_wrapper
option. Otherwise the actual bash code that launches the
corresponding web servers will never be interpolated into the main batch
script and run.