Class: OodCore::BatchConnect::Templates::VNC

OodCore::BatchConnect::Template show all
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A batch connect template that starts up a VNC server within a batch job

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from OodCore::BatchConnect::Template


Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from OodCore::BatchConnect::Template


Constructor Details

#initialize(context = {}) ⇒ VNC

Returns a new instance of VNC.


  • context (#to_h) (defaults to: {})

    the context used to render the template

Options Hash (context):

  • :conn_params (#to_sym, Array<#to_sym>) — default: []

    A list of connection parameters added to the connection file (`:host`, `:port`, `:password`, `:spassword`, `:display` and `:websocket` will always exist)

  • :websockify_cmd (#to_s) — default: "${WEBSOCKIFY_CMD:-/opt/websockify/run}"

    the path to the websockify script (assumes you don't modify `:after_script`)

  • :websockify_heartbeat_seconds (#to_s) — default: "${WEBSOCKIFY_HEARTBEAT_SECONDS:-30}"

    the websockify heartbeat duration in seconds. (assumes you don't modify `:after_script`)

  • :vnc_log (#to_s) — default: "vnc.log"

    path to vnc server log file (assumes you don't modify `:before_script` or `:after_script`)

  • :vnc_passwd (#to_s) — default: "vnc.passwd"

    path to the file generated that contains the encrypted vnc password (assumes you don't modify `:before_script`)

  • :vnc_args (#to_s)

    arguments used when starting up the vnc server (overrides any specific vnc argument) (assumes you don't modify `:before_script`)

  • :name (#to_s) — default: ""

    name of the vnc server session (not set if blank or `:vnc_args` is set) (assumes you don't modify `:before_script`)

  • :geometry (#to_s) — default: ""

    resolution of vnc display (not set if blank or `:vnc_args` is set) (assumes you don't modify `:before_script`)

  • :dpi (#to_s) — default: ""

    dpi of vnc display (not set if blank or `:vnc_args` is set) (assumes you don't modify `:before_script`)

  • :fonts (#to_s) — default: ""

    command delimited list of fonts available in vnc display (not set if blank or `:vnc_args` is set) (assumes you don't modify `:before_script`)

  • :idle (#to_s) — default: ""

    timeout vnc server if no connection in this amount of time in seconds (not set if blank or `:vnc_args` is set) (assumes you don't modify `:before_script`)

  • :extra_args (#to_s) — default: ""

    any extra arguments used when initializing the vnc server process (not set if blank or `:vnc_args` is set) (assumes you don't modify `:before_script`)

  • :vnc_clean (#to_s) — default: "..."

    script used to clean up any active vnc sessions (assumes you don't modify `:before_script` or `:clean_script`)

See Also:

# File 'lib/ood_core/batch_connect/templates/vnc.rb', line 60

def initialize(context = {})