Form Widgets¶
- Checkbox (check_box)
A checkbox. Note that you can change the checked and unchecked values. For example changing them from
.test_checkbox: widget: check_box checked_value: 1 unchecked_value: 0 label: "Test Checkbox" help: | Your help message
- Hidden Field (hidden_field)
A hidden field that will not be shown, but will still be in the HTML.
test_hidden_field: widget: "hidden_field" value: "Test Hidden Field Value"
- Number Field (number_field)
A number field.
num_cores: widget: "number_field" label: "Number of cores" value: 1 help: | Your help message min: 1 max: 28 step: 1
- Radio Button (radio_button)
Note that in the options below, the text to display is on the left of the comma, and the select value is on the right of the comma. The value: key represents the default selection.
mode: widget: "radio_button" value: "1" help: | Your help message options: - ["Jupyter Lab", "1"] - ["Jupyter Notebook", "0"]
- Resolution Field (resolution_field)
Change the resolution for interactive applications that use VNC.
test_resolution_field: widget: "resolution_field" label: "Test Resolution Field" required: true help: | Your help message
- Select Field (select)
Note that in the options below, the text to display is on the left of the comma, and the select value is on the right of the comma.
version: widget: "select" label: "JupyterLab Version" options: - [ "3.0", "app_jupyter/3.0.17" ] - [ "2.3", "app_jupyter/2.3.2" ] - [ "2.2", "app_jupyter/2.2.10" ] - [ "1.2", "app_jupyter/1.2.21" ] help: | Your help message
- TextArea Field (text_area)
A text area. This allows for multiple lines of text input.
test_text_area: widget: "text_area" label: "Test Text Area" value: "Test Text Area Value" help: | Your help message
- Text Field (text_field)
A text field. This only allows for a single line of text input.
test_text_field: widget: "text_field" label: "Test Text Field" value: "Test Text Value" help: | Your help message