ondemand.d/*.yml files

Some configurations are held within yml files in the /etc/ood/config/ondemand.d/ directory. Open OnDemand will read all the .yml and .yml.erb files within this directory for configurations.

To use a different directory other than this use the OOD_CONFIG_D_DIRECTORY environment variable in the /etc/ood/config/apps/dashboard/env file.

pinned_apps (Array<Object>, null)

An array of pinned app objects specifying what apps to pin to the dashboard. See the documentation on pinned apps for details and examples.


Don’t pin any apps to the dashboard.

pinned_apps: null
pinned_apps_menu_length: (Integer, 6)

The maximum number of pinned apps in the ‘Apps’ menu bar.


Show a maximum of 6 pinned apps.

pinned_apps_menu_length: 6

Show 10 items in the menu.

pinned_apps_menu_length: 10
pinned_apps_group_by: (String, null)

Group the pinned apps icons by this field in the dashboard.


Do no group pinned apps by any field.

pinned_apps_group_by: null

Group the pinned apps by category.

pinned_apps_group_by: "category"
dashboard_layout: (Object, null)

Specify the dashboard layout. Rearrange existing widgets and add more custom widgets. See the documentation on custom dashboard layouts for details and examples.


Do not change the default dashboard layout.

dashboard_layout: null
files_enable_shell_button: (Bool, true)

Specify if the Files App has a shell button to open files in.


Files App has access to shell button.

files_enable_shell_button: true

Disable the terminal button in the Files App.

files_enable_shell_button: false