5. Install the PUN UtilityΒΆ

The PUNs are manipulated and maintained by the nginx_stage utility. This tool is meant to by run by root or a user with sudoers privileges.

  1. Clone and check out the latest tag:

    cd ~/ood/src
    scl enable git19 -- git clone https://github.com/OSC/nginx_stage.git
    cd nginx_stage/
    scl enable git19 -- git checkout v0.2.1
  2. Install it to its global location:

    sudo scl enable rh-ruby22 -- rake install
    # => mkdir -p /opt/ood/nginx_stage
    # => cp ...

    This creates the nginx_stage config /opt/ood/nginx_stage/config/nginx_stage.yml and the ruby binstub/wrapper script /opt/ood/nginx_stage/bin/ood_ruby.


    If you run an older Linux OS that creates user accounts starting at id 500, then you will need to modify nginx_stage.yml - the configuration option min_uid: 1000 accordingly.

  3. Give the apache user sudo privileges to run the nginx_stage command. To do this, generate a sudoers_ood file in ~/ood/src directory:

    Defaults:apache     !requiretty, !authenticate
    apache ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /opt/ood/nginx_stage/sbin/nginx_stage

    and then copy this to /etc/sudoers.d/ood:

    sudo cp ~/ood/src/sudoers_ood /etc/sudoers.d/ood
    sudo chmod 440 /etc/sudoers.d/ood

    Our /etc/sudoers file includes files in /etc/sudoers.d:

    sudo tail -n 2 /etc/sudoers
    ## Read drop-in files from /etc/sudoers.d (the # here does not mean a comment)
    #includedir /etc/sudoers.d
  4. Schedule a cron job that automatically cleans up inactive user PUNs. To do this, generate the file /etc/cron.d/ood with the following contents:

    0 */2 * * * root [ -f /opt/ood/nginx_stage/sbin/nginx_stage  ] && /opt/ood/nginx_stage/sbin/nginx_stage nginx_clean 1>/dev/null

    This will clean up inactive PUNs every two hours.