.. _install-desktops-customize-desktop-app: Customize Desktop App ===================== In some cases the defaults used to submit a batch job may not work on your given cluster or you may just want to remove some form options presented to the user and fill in hard-coded values. All of these cases and more can easily be customized in the following files: :file:`bc_desktop/local/{cluster_desktop}.yml` Form configuration file that describes a given Desktop app along with form attributes presented to the user. Replace ``cluster_desktop`` with a representable name, in the previous section we used ``cluster1.yml`` and ``cluster2.yml`` to describe the desktops for the various clusters. For each form configuration file underneath ``bc_desktop/local/``, a separate desktop app will be presented as an option to the user. :file:`bc_desktop/local/submit/{custom_submit}.yml.erb` Describes how the batch job should be submitted to your cluster. Replace ``custom_submit`` with a descriptive name. Be sure that the name of this file is specified in the :file:`bc_desktop/local/{cluster_desktop}.yml` form configuration file, so that when a user submits the form, the specified submission configuration is used when submitting the batch job. .. note:: The ``.erb`` file extension will cause the YAML configuration file to be processed using the `eRuby (Embedded Ruby)`_ templating system. This allows you to embed Ruby code into the YAML configuration file for flow control, variable substitution, and more. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Documentation customize-desktop-app/modify-form-attributes customize-desktop-app/custom-job-submission .. _eruby (embedded ruby): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ERuby