Render Template

The template/ directory contains the template used for constructing the Interactive App's batch job. It is located in the root of the application directory.

Assuming we already have a sandbox Interactive App deployed under:


The template/ directory can be found at:


When an Interactive App session is first "Launched" by the user, the template/ directory is:

  1. Copied to the user's home directory under an appropriately name-spaced data root directory:


    where the session_id is a unique id generated when a user launches a session.

  2. All *.erb files in this new directory are rendered using eRuby (Embedded Ruby) with access to the objects: session and context.

  3. All *.erb files are renamed with the erb extension stripped from the file name.

ERB Objects

In your ERB template files you will have access to not only the Ruby standard library but also to the two useful objects: session and context.


The session object describes the current Interactive App session. A few of the helpful methods it provides are given below:

id (String)

the unique id generated by the dashboard when the session was created


Display session id

Current session running is <%= %>
staged_root (Pathname)

the directory where the session template is staged and initially run in


Point to an image asset file that is staged by your template

icon: <%= session.staged_root.join("assets", "icon.png") %>
cluster_id (String)

the cluster id used to submit this session to


Determine if Owens cluster

<% if session.cluster_id == "owens" %>
<% end %>


The context object is an object that holds all the attributes defined by the User Form (form.yml.erb).


All attributes in the context object return a Ruby String. So conversions are necessary if you intend on operating on an attribute.

For example, if you want to perform arithmetic on the bc_num_hours attribute that a user filled out in the Interactive App form:

export SECONDS=<%= context.bc_num_hours.to_i * 3600 %>

Note, that we used #to_i on the string to convert it to an integer before performing arithmetic.

Template Files

A running batch job for an interactive session will source and/or fork aptly named scripts that it finds under the template/ directory. These scripts can be used to build the environment, launch the web server process, and/or clean up the workspace when the process exits.

skinparam defaultTextAlignment center
:source ""template/"";
  :source ""template/"";
  :generate connection
  information file;
fork again
  :exec ""template/"";
end fork
:source ""template/"";

Fig. 6 Activity diagram for basic Interactive App batch script.

Fig. 6 details the common workflow for a basic Interactive App's batch script. The logic follows as:

  1. Source in the template/ script if it exists.

  2. Fork off the template/ into the background (must block until session is done).

  3. Source in the template/ script if it exists.

  4. Generate the connection information file for the user.

  5. Wait for the template/ process to complete.

  6. Source in the template/ script if it exists.

Before Hook


The batch script will source the file template/ as early as possible if it exists. This file must be a Bash script. It can be used for but not limited to:

  • populate the port and password environment variables needed for the web server and for connecting back to it

  • generate host-specific configuration files

  • generate secure password files


If you are creating a VNC Interactive Application, then DO NOT set the port and password environment variables. There is already internal logic in place that handles this for you.

There exists some helpful Bash functions that can be used in this sourced script:


Finds an available port within the specified range [MIN_PORT..MAX_PORT] on the [HOSTNAME].


localhost 2000 65535


Find a random port that is available within the default range on the localhost.

create_passwd [SIZE]

Generates random alphanumeric password of length SIZE.




Generate a random password 16 characters long

password=$(create_passwd 16)

An example before hook template/ that defines a port and password file that can later be used in the script that launches the web server may look like:

# Find available port to run web server on
export port=$(find_port)

# Define a password and password file used for authentication
password="$(create_passwd 12)"
export PASSWORD_FILE="${PWD}/passwd"

# Create password file used by web server
(umask 077 && echo "${password}" > "${PASSWORD_FILE}")


If your web server is supplied with a password file or a configuration file that holds the password, be sure to set the permissions so only the user has read access to the file.

Main Script


The batch script will fork the executable template/ into the background. This file MUST exist in your template directory with executable permission. This is where you launch the blocking web server process.


The main script is forked into the background in the batch script and then waited on. The batch script will exit when this background process also exits. So be careful of web servers that are daemonized.


If you are creating a VNC Interactive Application, then you DO NOT need to start the VNC server process. There is already internal logic in place that handles this for you.

You WILL need to launch the GUI application in the main script that you intend to load within the VNC server.

An example template/ that launches a simple static HTTP web server may look like:

#!/bin/bash -l

# Purge the module environment to avoid conflicts with user-specified
# initialization files
module purge

# Load the Python module
module load python

# Launch the simple HTTP web server
python -m SimpleHTTPServer "${port}"


The above example does not use authentication with a password as it is a simple static HTTP web server. But it is highly recommended that authentication be enabled for any web server you launch. Otherwise, nothing stops a malicious system user from SSH tunneling to your live web server and abusing the web server.

After Hook


The batch script will source the file template/ right after forking off the main script into the background but before the connection information file is generated. This file must be a Bash script. It can be used for but not limited to:

  • populate the port and password environment variables needed for the for connecting back to the web server

  • parsing any output files generated by web server


In some cases you are unable to get the port of the launched web server until after the fact. This would be a good place to parse the web server log and grab the port to set it.

In most cases the template/ will not be used.

Cleanup Hook


The batch script will source the file template/ after the background process for the main script exits. This file must be a Bash script. It can be used for but not limited to:

  • cleaning up any temporary files that aren't needed

  • killing any misbehaving leftover processes


If the batch script hits the maximum requested wall time, then this will not run. If this is an issue you are experiencing you may want to look into setting the timeout option under the batch_connect configuration feature in your submit.yml.erb.

In most cases the template/ will not be used.