Job Submission (submit.yml.erb)

The configuration file submit.yml.erb controls the content of the batch script as well as the submission arguments used when submitting the batch job. It is located in the root of the application directory.

Assuming we already have a sandbox Interactive App deployed under:


The submit.yml.erb configuration file can be found at:


The .erb file extension will cause the YAML configuration file to be processed using the eRuby (Embedded Ruby) templating system. This allows you to embed Ruby code into the YAML configuration file for flow control, variable substitution, and more.


The three possible configuration options that can be used in the submit.yml.erb file are given as:

batch_connect (Hash)

the configuration describing the batch script content (see OodCore::BatchConnect::Template for valid configuration options)


Use the default basic web server template

# ${HOME}/ondemand/dev/my_app/submit.yml.erb
  template: "basic"
script (Hash)

the configuration describing the job submission parameters for the batch script (see OodCore::Job::Script for valid configuration options)


Set the job’s charged account and queue

# ${HOME}/ondemand/dev/my_app/submit.yml.erb
  accounting_id: "PZS0001"
  queue_name: "parallel"
cluster (String) (Optional)

the cluster to submit to


Use this field when you need to choose the cluster in a more dynamic way than what’s provided in the form. Or when you want to choose the cluster for the user given some choices like the example below.


Submit the job to the the large cluster if requesting more than 29 cores, else submit to the small cluster.

# ${HOME}/ondemand/dev/my_app/submit.yml.erb
  cluster = if num_cores >= 29
cluster: "<%= cluster %>"

Each of these configuration options take a set of their own configuration options described below.

Configure Batch Connect

All batch scripts are generated from either the basic template or the vnc template specified with the following configuration option:

template (String)

the template used for rendering the batch script ("basic" or "vnc")




Render a batch script for a VNC Interactive Application

# ${HOME}/ondemand/dev/my_app/submit.yml.erb
  template: "vnc"

Aside from the above configuration option, a list of all possible configuration options for batch_connect can be found under the code documentation for OodCore::BatchConnect::Template.


The configuration template: "vnc" comes with more batch_connect configuration options which can be found under the code documentation for OodCore::BatchConnect::Templates::VNC.

Configure Script

The script configuration option defines the batch job submission parameters (e.g., number of nodes, wall time, queue, …). The list of all possible options can be found under the code documentation for OodCore::Job::Script.

It is recommended to refrain from using the native option to best keep your Interactive App as portable as possible. Although we understand this may not be possible for all job submission parameters (e.g., number of nodes, memory, GPU) it would be best to use the respective option corresponding to the submission parameter if it is available.

For example, if I want to specify the charged account for the job, it is recommended I use:

# ${HOME}/ondemand/dev/my_app/submit.yml.erb
  accounting_id: "PZS0001"

as this is resource manager agnostic. But this can also be added for a Slurm resource manager as:

# ${HOME}/ondemand/dev/my_app/submit.yml.erb
  native: ["-A", "PZS0001"]

but now this app may not work at a center with a different resource manager.


Care must be taken when using the native option as this is resource manager specific. For all supported resource managers (e.g., Slurm, LSF, PBSPro, …) other than Torque, the native option is specified as an array of command line arguments that are fed to the resource manager’s batch submission tool (e.g., sbatch, qsub, bsub, …)

So for Slurm, the following configuration will submit a job to 5 nodes with feature c12:

# ${HOME}/ondemand/dev/my_app/submit.yml.erb
  native: ["-N", "5", "-C", "c12"]


The simplest example consists of submitting a batch script built from the basic web server template using all the default options for the cluster’s batch job submission tool (e.g., sbatch, qsub, bsub, …).

# ${HOME}/ondemand/dev/my_app/submit.yml.erb
  template: "basic"

VNC Server

To submit a batch script built from the VNC server template:

# ${HOME}/ondemand/dev/my_app/submit.yml.erb
  template: "vnc"

Change Executable for Main Script

When the batch script is rendered from the template, one of the possible configuration options is specifying the executable command called for the main script it forks off into the background. This can be configured with:

# ${HOME}/ondemand/dev/my_app/submit.yml.erb
  template: "basic"
  script_file: "./"

Specify Job Submission Parameters

Cherry-picking some possible options from OodCore::Job::Script gives a batch job built from the basic web server template submitted with the following parameters:

# ${HOME}/ondemand/dev/my_app/submit.yml.erb
  template: "basic"
  wall_time: 3600
  queue_name: "debug"
  email_on_started: true

Dynamically Set Submission Parameters

Feel free to take advantage of the eRuby (Embedded Ruby) templating system in the submit.yml.erb file. You have access to all the User Form (form.yml.erb) attributes.

For example, if you had a form attribute called number_of_hours that you had the user fill out. You can add this to the submission parameters as such:

# ${HOME}/ondemand/dev/my_app/submit.yml.erb
  template: "basic"
  wall_time: <%= (number_of_hours.blank? ? 1 : number_of_hours.to_i) * 3600 %>

We have to be careful here, because all form attributes are returned as Ruby Strings. So we need to:

  1. First determine if the user filled in the attribute (check if it is #blank?).

  2. If they did, then we need to convert the string to an integer (#to_i) before performing arithmetic operations on it.

  3. Finally we convert hours to seconds.

Another scenario would be if the user specified the queue directly with a custom form attribute called my_queue. We can then add this user-supplied queue conditionally to the submission parameters as such:

# ${HOME}/ondemand/dev/my_app/submit.yml.erb
  template: "basic"
  wall_time: 3600
  <%- unless my_queue.blank? -%>
  queue_name: <%= my_queue %>
  <%- end -%>
  email_on_started: true

In this case, queue_name will only be added to the submission parameters if the user supplied a non-blank value to the form attribute my_queue.


Most of the common form attributes that manipulate the job submission parameters are provided for you as Predefined Attributes. These special attributes fill-in the script configuration options internally, so you do not have to.

For example, if you used the predefined form attribute bc_queue, you do not need to specify queue_name: in the submit.yml.erb.

Setting Batch Connect Options Globally

All of these configuration items can also be applied globally to the entire cluster in the cluster definition files under /etc/ood/config/clusters.d/. If set globally, the option is applied to all applications in that cluster.

Here’s an example of how to set the header configuration for both vnc and basic templates.

      header: "#!/bin/bash"
      header: "#!/bin/bash"