The ood-portal-generator tool takes a user-defined YAML configuration file and generates an Apache configuration file from the provided template file. This Apache configuration file can then be used in an Apache HTTP server to host an Open OnDemand portal.
The command that generates and updates the Apache configuration file is given as:
/opt/ood/ood-portal-generator/sbin/update_ood_portal [OPTIONS]
At any point you can display a quick reference of the capabilities offered by bin/generate with:
$ /opt/ood/ood-portal-generator/sbin/update_ood_portal -h
Usage: update_ood_portal [options]
-r, --rpm Execution performed during RPM install
-f, --force Force replacement of configs even if checksums differ
--detailed-exitcodes Exit with 3 when changes are made and 4 when changes skipped
-c, --config CONFIG YAML config file used to render template
-t, --template TEMPLATE ERB template that is rendered
-v, --version Print current version
-h, --help Show this help message
update_ood_portal -c /etc/ood/config/ood_portal.yml -t /opt/ood/ood-portal-generator/templates/ood-portal.conf.erb
- -r, --rpm
Execution performed during RPM install
- Default
not used
- Example
Run the script as if it were during the RPM installation
/opt/ood/ood-portal-generator/sbin/update_ood_portal -r
- -f, --force
Force the update to occur even if the checksums don’t match
- Default
not used
- Example
Force the update to occur even if the checksums don’t match
/opt/ood/ood-portal-generator/sbin/update_ood_portal -f
- --detailed-exitcodes
Exit with different codes
- Default
exits 0 if the update is successful, 1 if not
- Example
Exit with 3 when changes are made and 4 when changes skipped
/opt/ood/ood-portal-generator/sbin/update_ood_portal --detailed-exitcodes
- -c <config>, --config <config>
the ood-portal-generator YAML configuration file
- Default
- Example
Use a local configuration file
/opt/ood/ood-portal-generator/sbin/update_ood_portal -c my_conf.yml
The systemd file for Apache will run the update_ood_portal script with defaults and will not use a different file, rendering this option obsolete unless you also modify systemd config (
in RHEL 7,/etc/systemd/system/httpd.service.d/ood-portal.conf
in RHEL 8).
- -t <template>, --template <template>
the ERB template to use as the input
- Default
- Example
Use a different ERB template (not recommended)
/opt/ood/ood-portal-generator/sbin/update_ood_portal -t /opt/myfiles/different-ood-portal.conf.erb
The systemd file for Apache will run the update_ood_portal script with defaults and will not use a different file, rendering this option obsolete unless you also modify systemd config (
in RHEL 7,/etc/systemd/system/httpd.service.d/ood-portal.conf
in RHEL 8).