Adding Google Analytics
If you wish you can setup your Open-OnDemand instance to send usage data to Google Analytics (GA) that you can then query and report on, this page walks through how to do just that.
You’ll need to have a Google Analytics account setup as a prerequisite to this.
To query GA You’ll need to have to have a service account setup with the appropriate permissions. See info on Google service accounts and Google IAM roles for more details on that.
Configure Open OnDemand
Refer to the ondemand.d configuration property google_analytics_tag_id on how to configure this feature.
Querying Google Analytics
This documentation is for GA version 3. With the newer versions of GA this may not work as intended. As OSC does not use GA we’re unable to update these examples ourselves, but would accept updates for the same.
Now that you have Open-OnDemand sending information to GA and it’s all configured correctly, you can now query GA for this information, parse it and present it in any fashion you like.
Here’s a small portion of how we query GA in ruby, but there are many GA client libraries available.
This example is not complete and is only meant to illustrate how to query GA given the defined metric set above. Let’s go through each of these things.
# Dimensions - here we want dimensions 1, 3 and something called pagePath which is the web
# page requested. pagePath is a google predefined dimension that we populated. Dimensions 1
# and 3 were created above and are the username and timestamp (this is why the order in
# which they're defined is important).
# we only want to report the hit metrics
# First we specify the host so that we only get metrics from a specific host. Secondly,
# we filter only only 200 responses (dimension6 is status code) and we don't want to
# report on file editor edits.
# now we can create our analytics object and make the query
analytics =
# Here we query for the data that we want. A lot of things are omitted in this example
# for brevity like START_DATE (dynamic query times like the first day of the month)
# or GA_PROFILE (part of our credentials). And the fact that this is in a loop paginating
# the results, updating 'start_index' and only requesting STEP_SIZE (10,000 in our case)
# results at a time.
results = analytics.get_ga_data(
dimensions: DIMENSIONS.empty? ? nil : DIMENSIONS.join(','),
filters: FILTERS.empty? ? nil : FILTERS.join(','),
sort: SORT.empty? ? nil : SORT.join(','),
start_index: start_index,
max_results: STEP_SIZE
target = open('my-report', "w")
# now we can write out the results in a format that I want for my reporting.
results.rows.each do |row|
app = row[2]
row[2] = parse_uri(app, user: row[1])
row << app
target.write "#{row.join('|')}\n"
More Info
For reference, here’s more detailed information about implementations and protocols described in this document.
See our analytics lua code for the implementation of how we’re extracting this information, parsing it and sending it to Google.
See the GA measurement protocol for more details on the format we’re sending this data in.