4. Add Custom Theme

Custom themes are added to a realm by

  1. adding the theme directory to /opt/keycloak-9.0.0/themes

  2. selecting the theme via Admin Web UI >> Realm Settings >> Themes

Each theme is selectable based on the directory name of the theme. Themes can extend other themes.

Here are two links to get started with a custom theme:

  1. Currently version v2.3.1 of OSC’s Keycloak theme can be used as a starting point for modification. This theme is based off of the default keycloak theme which itself is based off the base theme. Files to modify include:

    • login/resources/img/ondemand-logo.png add a logo with this name here

    • login/resources/img/favicon.ico replace with your own or remove

    • login/messages/messages_en.properties replace text with text appropriate for your center

  2. See the Keycloak documentation for themes: https://www.keycloak.org/docs/latest/server_development/index.html#_themes

Remember after adding a theme you still need to configure your realm in the Keycloak admin UI to use the theme for the login pages.