3. Configure Logout

The logout link on the dashboard is /logout. OnDemand’s Apache configuration has a separate directive to handle /logout, which by default redirects the user to /pun/sys/dashboard/logout, which is a default logout page displayed by the dashboard. Because authentication handled by Apache, this approach enables the logout URL to be changed based on the authentication strategy used.

To change the logout_redirect URL, set logout_redirect: "https:://URL/TO/LOGOUT/USER" in the ood-portal-generator configuration at /etc/ood/config/ood_portal.yml and regenerate the configuration.

logout_redirect (String, null)

the URI the user is redirected to when accessing the logout URI above


Redirect to the dashboard’s log out page

logout_redirect: "/pun/sys/dashboard/logout"
Using OpenID Connect Apache module

Redirect to the mod_auth_oidc logout location:

logout_redirect: "/oidc?logout=https%3A%2F%2Fondemand.my-center.edu"
Using Shibboleth Apache module

If the Shibboleth IdP server deployed is at idp.my-center.edu, this is an example redirect with mod_auth_shib:

logout_redirect: "/Shibboleth.sso/Logout?return=https%3A%2F%2Fidp.my-center.edu%2Fidp%2Fprofile%2FLogout"

See Shibboleth for more details regarding setting up authentication with the Shibboleth Apache module.