
Relying on the default build is fine for a demo deployment, but it is not recommended for a production environment. Options can be configured by default under the file /etc/ood/config/ood_portal.yml.

The RPMs copy this file from /opt/ood/ood-portal-generator/ood_portal_example.yml during the installation.

All the default options are listed in this configuration file. Feel free to read it through before continuing on.

Configure General Options

listen_addr_port (String, Array<String>, null)

the address and port server listens on for connections


Don't add a Listen directive in this Apache configuration (typically it exists in another configuration)

listen_addr_port: null

Explicitly listen on port 443

listen_addr_port: "443"
servername (String, null)

the host name used to access the Open OnDemand portal


Access website through IP address only

servername: null

Access website through the host name www.example.com

servername: "www.example.com"
server_aliases (Array<String>, [])

Aliases for this server. These will result in the apache ServerAlias configuration allowing one server to respond to multiple hostnames.


There are no server aliases.

server_aliases: []

Along with the servername also respond to the hostname class.my-cool-site.example.edu.

   - "class.my-cool-site.example.edu"
proxy_server (String, null)

The proxy server, if one exists. Used when you have a proxy in front of the Open OnDemand server(s).


No proxy server

proxy_server: null

Access website through the proxy name www.example-proxy.com

proxy_server: "www.example-proxy.com"
port (Integer, null)

the port used to access the Open OnDemand portal (if different than 80 or 443)


Use port 80 or port 443 if SSL is enabled

port: null

Use a higher numbered port to access the website

port: 8080
ssl (Array<String>, null)

a list of Apache directives that enable SSL support


Disable SSL support

ssl: null

Supply ssl information.

   - SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/change-me/cert.pem
   - SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/change-me/privkey.pem
   - SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/change-me/chain.pem
disable_logs (Boolean, false)

Disable logs in favor of supplying log directives in some other configuration file.


Logs are enabled and defined in this virtual host.

disable_logs: false

Disable logs in favor of supplying log directives in some other configuration file.

disable_logs: true
logroot (String)

the root directory where log files are stored (can be relative to ServerRoot)


Store logs in $ServerRoot/logs directory

logroot: "logs"

Store logs in a different directory

logroot: "/path/to/my/logs"
errorlog (String, 'error.log')

The Error log filename



errorlog: "error.log"


errorlog: "my.site.error.log"
accesslog (String, 'access.log')

The Access log filename



accesslog: "access.log"


accesslog: "my.site.access.log"
logformat (String, apache conbined format)

The log format.


apache combined format

logformat: null

Change the error and access log format.

logformat: '"%v %h \"%r\" %>s %O \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %T"'
use_rewrites (Boolean)

Should RewriteEngine be used


Use RewriteEngine

use_rewrites: true

Disable RewriteEngine usage

use_rewrites: false
use_maintenance (Boolean)

Enable Rewrite rules for supporting maintenance mode of OnDemand Requires use_rewrites to be true


Support maintenance mode support

use_maintenance: true

Disable maintenance mode support

use_maintenance: false
maintenance_ip_allowlist (Array<String>)

List of IP regular expressions to be allowed to access OnDemand when maintenance is enabled


No IPs are allowed.

maintenance_ip_allowlist: []

Allow and to access OnDemand during maintenance

  - '192.168.1..*'
  - ''
security_csp_frame_ancestors (Boolean)

Set Header Content-Security-Policy frame-ancestors.


Set Content-Security-Policy frame-ancestors to servername.

security_csp_frame_ancestors: https://ondemand.example.com

Disable Content-Security-Policy header

security_csp_frame_ancestors: false
security_strict_transport (Boolean)

Set Header Strict-Transport-Security to help enforce SSL


Set Strict-Transport-Security if SSL is defined for OnDemand

security_strict_transport: true

Disable Strict-Transport-Security header

security_strict_transport: false
lua_root (String)

the root directory where the Lua handler code resides


Point to the install location of the ood_mod_proxy lua library

lua_root: "/opt/ood/mod_ood_proxy/lib"

Point to a different directory

lua_root: "/path/to/lua/handlers"
lua_log_level (String, null)

the verbosity of the Lua module in the logs


Use default log level of info

lua_log_level: null

Decrease verbosity

lua_log_level: "warn"
user_map_cmd (String)

the system command used to map authenticated user name to a system user name


Since 2.0 there is no provided user map command.

user_map_cmd: null

Capture system user name from regular expression

user_map_cmd: "/opt/site/site_mapper.sh"
user_map_match (String)

The lua pattern to map authenticated user name to a system user name.

user_map_match was added in 2.0 to be a simpler replacement for user_map_cmd above. match has precedence over cmd if they're both configured.

Note that lua patterns are not regular expressions. So boolean OR matches like | for example are not supported. See the documentation on lua patterns for details more.

You can test your configuration out in a lua shell like so:

> string.match('ktrout@example.edu', '^([^@]+)@example.edu$')

Match any characters 0 or more times.

user_map_match: '.*'

Capture system user name from email pattern.

user_map_match: '^([^@]+)@example.edu$'
user_env (String, null)

the CGI environment variable that holds the authenticated user name used as the argument for the user mapping command


Use REMOTE_USER if not defined

user_env: null

Use a custom environment variable instead

user_env: "OIDC_CLAIM_preferred_username"
map_fail_uri (String, null)

the URI a user is redirected to if we fail to map the authenticated user name to a system user name


Don't redirect the user and just display an error message

map_fail_uri: null

Redirect the user to a registration page you set up beforehand

map_fail_uri: "/register"
pun_stage_cmd (String)

the system command used to launch the nginx stage command with sudo privileges


Use default install location

pun_stage_cmd: "sudo /opt/ood/nginx_stage/sbin/nginx_stage"

Use a different install location

pun_stage_cmd: "sudo /path/to/nginx_stage"
auth (Array<String>)

The list of Apache directives defining how authentication is handled for various protected resources on the website. See Authentication for more details.


Empty. No authentication. Open OnDemand will not work at all without authentication of some kind.

auth: []

Open ID Connect authentication.

  - "AuthType openid-connect"
  - "Require valid-user"
custom_vhost_directives (Array<String>, [])

Supply custom directives at the virtual host level.


No custom virtual host directives.

custom_vhost_directives: []

Add a single custom virtual host directive to set an environment variable.

  - SetEnv FOO BAR
custom_location_directives (Array<String>, [])

Supply custom directives for every Location in the virtual host.


No custom location directives.

custom_location_directives: []

Add a single custom location directive to set an environment variable.

  - SetEnv FOO BAR
root_uri (String)

the URI a user is redirected to when they access the root of the website (e.g., https://www.example.com/)


Redirect the user to the dashboard

root_uri: "/pun/sys/dashboard"

Redirect to a different URI

root_uri: "/my_uri"
analytics (Hash, null)

the object describing how to track server-side analytics with a Google Analytics account and property


Do not track analytics

analytics: null

See Adding Google Analytics

Configure Public Assets

This is a location where files can be served without a user being authenticated. Useful to serve favicon, images, or user documentation. If either of these properties are null then users won't be able to access public assets through the website.

public_uri (String, null)

the URI used to access public assets (no authentication needed)


Access as http://www.example.com/public

public_uri: "/public"

Access under a different URI

public_uri: "/assets"
public_root (String, null)

the root directory where the public assets are served from


Using a default installation

public_root: "/var/www/ood/public"

Serve files under a different directory

public_root: "/path/to/public/files"

Configure Logout Redirect

The dashboard will send the user to this URI when they click the Logout button. This URI will then redirect the user to the logout mechanism for your corresponding authentication mechanism. If either of these properties are null then users will get an error when they try to logout from the dashboard.

logout_uri (String, null)

the URI used to logout from an Apache session


Access as http://www.example.com/logout

logout_uri: "/logout"

Access under a different URI

logout_uri: "/log_me_out"
logout_redirect (String, null)

the URI the user is redirected to when accessing the logout URI above


Fallback to the dashboard's log out page

logout_redirect: "/pun/sys/dashboard/logout"


Configure Reverse Proxy

The reverse proxy will proxy a request to any specified host and port through IP sockets. This is different than what is used for proxying to per-user NGINX processes through Unix domain sockets. This can be used to connect to Jupyter notebook servers, RStudio servers, VNC servers, and more... This is disabled by default as it can be security risk if not properly setup using a good host_regex.

A URL request to the node_uri will reverse proxy to the given host and port using the full URI path. So a request to the frontend Apache proxy that looks like:

GET /<node_uri>/<host>/<port>/... HTTP/1.1
Host: ondemand.example.edu

will be reverse proxied to the backend server with the following request format:

GET /<node_uri>/<host>/<port>/... HTTP/1.1
Host: <host>:<port>

A URL request to the rnode_uri will reverse proxy to the given host and port using the relative URI path. So a request to the frontend Apache proxy that looks like:

GET /<rnode_uri>/<host>/<port>/... HTTP/1.1
Host: ondemand.example.edu

will be reverse proxied to the backend server with the following request format:

GET /... HTTP/1.1
Host: <host>:<port>

Notice that we strip off the portion of the URI request path that is used to determine the backend web server.

Both formats are provided to better support the varying capabilities for the multitude of web application servers. For the case of using node_uri the developer will need to modify the web server to accommodate requests with a sub-URI that follows the dynamic formatting of /<node_uri>/<host>/<port>. For the case of using rnode_uri the developer needs to confirm that all assets and links supplied by the web server are relative and not absolute.

host_regex (String)


Wildcards like . should be avoided because they cause issues in parsing. host_regex should always have a domain name that your center owns (for security) and should specify lists of character classes like [w.-] (for proper functionality).

The regular expression used as a allowlist for allowing a user to reverse proxy to a given host.


Allow proxying to all hosts in the world (please change this if you enable this feature)

host_regex: "[^/]+"

Restrict access to only within internal network

host_regex: "[\\w.-]+\\.example\\.com"
node_uri (String, null)

the URI used to reverse proxy a user to a server running on a given host and port that knows the full URI path


This feature is disabled by default

node_uri: null

Use the recommended URI by our team

node_uri: "/node"
rnode_uri (String, null)

the URI used to reverse proxy a user to a server running on a given host and port that knows the relative URI path


This feature is disabled by default

rnode_uri: null

Use the recommended URI by our team

rnode_uri: "/rnode"

Configure per-user NGINX

The reverse proxy will proxy a request under the pun_uri URI to the user's per-user NGINX (PUN) process through Unix domain sockets. It will send process signals to the user's PUN through the nginx_uri URI. If either of these properties are null then PUN access will be disabled.

nginx_uri (String, null)

the URI used to control the PUN process


User's can send signals to PUN through http://www.example.com/nginx

nginx_uri: "/nginx"

Use a different URI

node_uri: "/my_pun_controller"
pun_uri (String, null)

the URI used to access the PUN process


User's access their PUN through http://www.example.com/pun

pun_uri: "/pun"

Use a different URI

pun_uri: "/my_pun_apps"
pun_socket_root (String)

the root directory that contains the socket files for the running PUNs


Using a default installation

pun_socket_root: "/var/run/ondemand-nginx"

Socket files are located in a different directory

pun_socket_root: "/path/to/pun/sockets"
pun_max_retries (Integer)

the number of times the proxy attempt to connect to the PUN before giving up and displaying an error to the user


Only try 5 times

pun_max_retries: 5

Try 25 times

pun_max_retries: 25

PUN pre hook command is functionality to initialize things as root before the PUN starts up.

Authentication information like OIDC tokens are not passed to OnDemand apps like the dashboard. This feature is useful when you need to use things like OIDC tokens in some initialization process before the PUN starts. For example, you can configure your ~/.kube/config with OIDC information with this feature.

There is currently only one thing passed into this command and that is the username. It's passed as a named argument like so: --user USERNAME.

You may pass in environment variables from apache to this command, though they are prefixed with OOD_. For example if you configure this to pass OIDC_ACCESS_TOKEN to the pre hook command, you can read the variable as OOD_OIDC_ACCESS_TOKEN.

Additionally you may add entries to /etc/ood/config/hook.env and source this file for additional environment variables. For example environment specific information for your test and production environments.

pun_pre_hook_root_cmd (String, null)

Run a hook command as root before the the PUN starts up.


No pun pre hook.

pun_pre_hook_root_cmd: null

Run a pre hook called "my_site_hook.sh".

pun_pre_hook_root_cmd: "/path/to/my_site_hook.sh"
pun_pre_hook_exports (String, null)

A comma separated list of environment variables to export to the pun_pre_hook_root_cmd.


Don't pass any environment variables.

pun_pre_hook_exports: null

Export OIDC_ACCESS_TOKEN and OIDC_CLAIM_EMAIL environment variables to the pun_pre_hook_root_cmd.

pun_pre_hook_exports: "OIDC_ACCESS_TOKEN,OIDC_CLAIM_EMAIL"

Configure OpenID Connect

If using OpenID Connect for authentication, these are a few properties you will need to tweak. For a better understanding of these options you should read more on mod_auth_openidc.

oidc_uri (String, null)

the redirect URI used by mod_auth_openidc for authentication


This is disabled by default

oidc_uri: null

Enable it on a recommended URI

oidc_uri: "/oidc"
oidc_discover_uri (String, null)

the URI a user is redirected to if they are not authenticated by mod_auth_openidc and is used to discover the ID provider the user will use to login through


This is disabled by default

oidc_discover_uri: null

Enable it to a recommended URI

oidc_discover_uri: "/discover"
oidc_discover_root (String, null)

the root directory on the file system that serves the HTML code used for the discovery page


This is disabled by default

oidc_discover_root: null

Enable it to the recommended path

oidc_discover_root: "/var/www/ood/discover"

Configure User Registration

If you are using a grid-mapfile to map the authenticated user name to a system user name, then this will be used to generate mappings in the file for a user's first time accessing your website. Setting either property below to null will disable this feature.


This is unnecessary if you use regular expressions for mapping the authenticated user name to a system user name.

register_uri (String, null)

the URI a user is redirected to if no mapping exists between an authenticated user name and a system user name


This is disabled by default. An error is displayed the user if mapping fails.

register_uri: null

Enable it to a recommended URI

register_uri: "/register"
register_root (String, null)

the root directory on the file system that serves the HTML code used for the registration page


This is disabled by default. An error is displayed the user if mapping fails.

register_root: null

Enable it to the recommended path

register_root: "/var/www/ood/register"
oidc_provider_metadata_url (String, null)

Refer to OIDCProviderMetadataURL in auth_openidc.conf.


This is disabled by default, and no OIDC configurations will be added.

oidc_provider_metadata_url: null

Set OIDCProviderMetadataURL

oidc_provider_metadata_url: "https://example.com:5554/.well-known/openid-configuration"
oidc_client_id (String, null)

Refer to OIDCClientID in auth_openidc.conf.


This is disabled by default, and no OIDC configurations will be added.

oidc_client_id: null

Set OIDCClientID

oidc_client_id: "ondemand.example.com"
oidc_client_secret (String, null)

Refer to OIDCClientSecret in auth_openidc.conf.


This is disabled by default.

oidc_client_secret: null

Set OIDCClientSecret

oidc_client_secret: "ondemand.example.com"
oidc_remote_user_claim (String)

Refer to OIDCRemoteUserClaim in auth_openidc.conf.


The default value is email if no Dex connectors are defined. If connectors are defined the default is preferred_username

oidc_remote_user_claim: "email"

Set OIDCRemoteUserClaim

oidc_remote_user_claim: "preferred_username"
oidc_scope (String)

Refer to OIDCScope in auth_openidc.conf.


The default value is openid profile email.

oidc_scope: "openid profile email"

Set OIDCScope

oidc_scope: "openid profile email groups"
oidc_session_inactivity_timeout (Integer)

Refer to OIDCSessionInactivityTimeout in auth_openidc.conf.


The default value is 28800.

oidc_session_inactivity_timeout: 28800

Set OIDCSessionInactivityTimeout

oidc_session_inactivity_timeout: 57600
oidc_session_max_duration (Integer)

Refer to OIDCSessionMaxDuration in auth_openidc.conf.


The default value is 28800.

oidc_session_max_duration: 28800

Set OIDCSessionMaxDuration

oidc_session_max_duration: 57600
oidc_state_max_number_of_cookies (String)

Refer to OIDCStateMaxNumberOfCookies in auth_openidc.conf.


The default value is 10 true.

oidc_state_max_number_of_cookies: "10 true"

Set OIDCStateMaxNumberOfCookies

oidc_state_max_number_of_cookies: "20 true"
oidc_cookie_same_site (String)

Refer to OIDCCookieSameSite in auth_openidc.conf.


The default value is On when SSL is disabled or Off when SSL is enabled.

oidc_cookie_same_site: "On"

Set OIDCCookieSameSite

oidc_cookie_same_site: "Off"
oidc_settings (Hash, {})

A Hash to supply additional OIDC settings.


The default value is an empty Hash.

oidc_settings: {}

Set OIDCStateMaxNumberOfCookies

  OIDCPassIDTokenAs: serialized
  OIDCPassRefreshToken: On
dex_uri (String, null, false)

The Dex URI used behind the Apache reverse proxy. Setting this value to some path will result in Dex listening on local host as well as only using HTTP for proxied communication.


The default value is /dex

dex_uri: /dex

Disable Dex behind a reverse proxy

dex_uri: false
dex (Hash, null, false)

The Hash to define Dex configurations. A value of false or null will disable Dex configuration generation. Refer to OnDemand Dex configuration reference for details.


The default value is an empty Hash.

dex: {}

Disable Dex configuration management

dex: false