2. Setup User Mapping

Every HTTP request sent to the OnDemand portal triggers a call to the user_map_cmd to map the remote authenticated user name to the local system user name. Mapping to the local system user not only restricts access of OnDemand to local users but it is also required by the OnDemand proxy to traffic the HTTP data to the user’s corresponding per-user NGINX (PUN) server.

The ood-portal-generator and its corresponding ood_portal.yml are used to configure both the system command that performs the mapping (user_map_cmd) and the argument fed to the system command (user_env). By default these configuration options are defined as:

# /etc/ood/config/ood_portal.yml
# ...
user_map_cmd: '/opt/ood/ood_auth_map/bin/ood_auth_map.regex'
user_env: 'REMOTE_USER'

which uses regex user mapping for the mapping command and REMOTE_USER (this variable holds the name of the authenticated user by the web server) as its command line argument.

This is equivalent to calling from the command line:

/opt/ood/ood_auth_map/bin/ood_auth_map.regex "$REMOTE_USER"

which just echos back the value of REMOTE_USER.


The default user mapping employed by an OnDemand portal directly maps the remote authenticated user name to the local user name. So the Apache authentication module used is expected to set the correct local user name in REMOTE_USER.

Open OnDemand provides two facilities for user mapping. One through regular expressions (the default) and another through a lookup file. Both of which are documented here. As an alternative you can provide your own custom script and simply set the user_map_cmd to use it.

2.1. Regex User Mapping

Usage for the regular expression (regex) user mapping script is below.

/opt/ood/ood_auth_map/bin/ood_auth_map.regex [options] <authenticated_user>

With the options:

-r <regex>, --regex <regex>

Default: ^(.+)$

The regular expression used to capture the local system username.

2.1.1. Regex User Mapping Examples

Here are some examples of how to use the default regex mapping script.

To echo back the username supplied (useful for LDAP authentication and the default behavior):

$ /opt/ood/ood_auth_map/bin/ood_auth_map.regex 'bob'

To capture the local username from an email address.

$ /opt/ood/ood_auth_map/bin/ood_auth_map.regex --regex '^(\w+)@center.edu$' 'bob@center.edu'

If no match is found from the supplied regular expression and authenticated username that an empty string is returned instead:

$ /opt/ood/ood_auth_map/bin/ood_auth_map.regex --regex '^(\w+)@center.edu$' 'bob@mit.edu'


2.2. File User Mapping

This script parses a mapfile with each entry given in the following format:

"authenticated_username" local_username

and separated by newlines. The script will systematically parse each line in the mapfile looking for a match to the authenticated_username. When a match is found it breaks from the scan and outputs the local_username to STDOUT.

/opt/ood/ood_auth_map/bin/ood_auth_map.mapfile [OPTIONS] <REMOTE_USER>

The options for this script are:

-f <file>, --file <file>

Default: /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile

File used to scan for matches.

2.2.1. Examples for the MapFile script

To scan the default grid-mapfile using a URL-encoded authenticated username:

$ /opt/ood/ood_auth_map/bin/ood_auth_map.mapfile 'http%3A%2F%2Fcilogon.org%2FserverA%2Fusers%2F58606%40cilogon.org'

To scan a custom mapfile using an authenticated username:

$ /opt/ood/ood_auth_map/bin/ood_auth_map.mapfile --file '/path/to/mapfile' 'opaque_remote_username'

If no match is found within the mapfile for the supplied authenticated username that an empty string is returned instead:

$ /opt/ood/ood_auth_map/bin/ood_auth_map.mapfile 'this_remote_username_does_not_exist'


2.3. Custom Mapping

As mentioned previously the ood-portal-generator configuration options of interest are:

Indeed if you need to use the options to the regex or file user mapping scripts that come with Open OnDemand you’ll need to specify them in the user_map_cmd.

After modifying /etc/ood/config/ood_portal.yml with the mapping you want you would then build and install the new Apache configuration file with:

sudo /opt/ood/ood-portal-generator/sbin/update_ood_portal

Finally you will need to restart your Apache HTTP Server for the changes to take effect.